Eating Disorder Recovery Tips for College Students
While starting a new school year is an exciting time, the stresses involved can result in triggers for many people in recovery from an eating disorder, and can lead to a relapse. In college-aged students, stress, social and academic pressures, social media influence, and pre-existing psychological conditions, such as depression or anxiety can increase the risk of developing disordered eating behaviors as a coping mechanism. Here are four tips for college students to help manage their recovery from an eating disorder and prevent relapse:
1. Build a support system: Finding and connecting with supportive friends, family, and professionals such as therapists and registered dietitians can be beneficial. You can make telehealth appointments with your dietitian (RDN) at Medical Nutrition Network to get help in nutritional counseling and eating disorder recovery. Stay connected to your friends and family who care about you and support your eating disorder recovery.
2. Develop a self-care routine: Create a daily routine for scheduled meals and self-care. Regular meals and snacks help maintain normal blood sugar, and reduce the risk of disordered eating behaviors. Include ample time for relaxation, exercise, and sleep in your college routine during your free time, so you can balance both school and self-care.
3. Practice stress management: Keep a stress management list ready for things you can do during times of high-stress, such as finals week. Some great activities include meditation, yoga, or deep-breathing exercises. You can find quick 10 minute guided meditation videos and beginner friendly yoga routines online to get you started. Taking a quick walk outside and calling loved ones can also be forms of stress management.
4. Share your experience: Learning more about eating disorder recovery strategies can be beneficial for your own knowledge, but also for sharing with trusted peers. Join support groups and advocate for mental health awareness on campus to empower those with eating disorders and support your own recovery journey.
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“Inpatient, Residential, Day & Virtual Eating Disorder Care: Monte Nido.” Inpatient, Residential, Day & Virtual Eating Disorder Care | Monte Nido, Monte Nido,