Reframing the Traffic Light

Reframing the Traffic Light🚦
All foods Fit! 🥬🧇🥭🥯🥗🥪🍱🍿🥑🍪🍆🍦🍓

Green light means GO
Yellow light means SLOW DOWN
Red light means STOP

The traditional “traffic light”analogy typically groups foods into “good” and “bad” or “low calorie”, “moderate calorie” or “high calorie” categories; Green being good or low calorie, yellow being moderate calorie, and red being bad or high calorie . This can create shame, guilt, and confusion around food. The truth is, there are no “good” or “bad” foods.  All foods fit in!

In reframing the traffic light analogy, rather than labeling foods as good or bad or low or high calorie, we focus on reminders to help promote intuitive eating.  Green, means eat what you want and include all varieties of foods.  Yellow means slow down. Eat slowly, sit down, and savor your food. Red light means stop and tune in - Ask yourself if you are physically or emotionally hungry.  If it’s physical hunger, enjoy and eat mindfully.  If it’s emotional hunger, stop to check in with what you are feeling and needing in the moment.  Honor your hunger and fullness and respect your body.

Eating mindfully and intentionally leads to a sustainable way of eating without guilt or shame and can fuel your body optimally.

Your Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) can help you fit in all foods, meet your  individualized dietary needs, heal your relationship with foods, and at the same time, make eating enjoyable.  


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